If you’ve dreamed of owning one of the custom homes in Bucks County, PA, you might be poring over catalogs of materials you can use for your kitchen counters and cabinets…but have you thought about what you’re going to put in them?

Many people get caught up in the details of a kitchen’s structure when designing a custom home, which is perfectly understandable. However, equally important to make sure you have the right kind of cabinets is knowing what you’re going to be putting into those cabinets.

Here are some of the essential tools you want to make sure your new kitchen has room for:

The Right Containers

Every chef – from amateur up to professional – depends on containers. While Tupperware might be the kind of container many people think of first, you should also make sure you have different-sized mixing bowls for various needs and even some cambros to help store things like flour, grains, and other ingredients you might need for cooking or baking.

Taking Proper Measurements

Just as vital to the proper operation of a kitchen as places to store ingredients is having an accurate way to measure them while you’re cooking. That means that you should make space in your new kitchen for things like measuring cups and spoons to ensure you’re able to follow that new recipe you wanted to try.

If you bake as well as cook, it might be valuable to invest in a professional scale. The reason for this is that you’ll end up getting much better measurements from a scale than trying to determine if your idea of a “cup of flour” is the same as the author of the recipe.

The Proper Utensils

“Utensils” often gets boiled down to forks, knives, and spoons that you can use to eat the soup course or morning yogurt. These are must-haves for a kitchen, but you also need other utensils that aren’t nearly as straightforward.

Some of the utensils you want to make sure you invest in include:

  • A chef’s knife
  • A bread knife
  • A paring knife
  • Tongs
  • Various sized spatulas
  • Whisks

While you may not use each of these every day and probably don’t consider them when someone says “utensils,” they are so integral to a kitchen that they can quickly freeze a dinner date night in its tracks.

A Little Style…and Protection

Like the utensil you didn’t know you needed until you did, many people forget to invest in essential kitchen tools like towels and potholders. It’s easier by far to use paper towels to dry things off, but when you have to take a hot pan out of a 400-degree oven, you want a little more material between your hand and the pan than paper towels can provide.

Plus, if you choose them right, your towels and pot holders can be patterned in a way that compliments your kitchen and helps guests notice all the hard work you put into designing it.

To find out more about what kitchen tools are essential or get a quote from a team experienced with building custom homes in Montgomery County, PA, get in touch with us today!

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